My preparation for third term exam

I am studying in 9 th standard of shree satyawati secondary school,vyas-2. Our school has already conducted two exams i.e First term exam and Second term exam.Its turn to conduct Thrid term exam.So for third term examination,I have prepared very well.My friends and teachers help me alot for my examination.Our teachers has completed our courses and many of them has done revision for more than two times. We have done revision of Science, Computer,Math,Health, English,Nepali and Optional math. Our science teacher,Eka Sir has revised the molecular formula for many times. He told us,We have to learn to balance chemical equation,Valency of elements,etc in the topic of "matter". He told some molecular formula such as: H2O,CO2,MgCl2 ,etc.

I am also focusing on practical of Computer i.e QBASIC and HTML.Other lesson of computer is not so complicated as I can memorize them.So I am preparing various form by using different tags of html. My previous html is Click here to view my previous html program.

I am weak in Science and Math but I am trying my best to make it simple.So I have a time table for the study of those subject.My aim of this time table is to make science and Math easier.
Day Subjects Time
Sunday Science 7 A.M - 9 A M
Monday Math 3P.M - 5:30 P.M